Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Calorie Counts on Menus

Personally, I don't think it will be effective for many reasons. (Here's a few.)

1) Education is necessary for anyone to even understand the idea of 300 Calories vs. 500 Calories. So, for those that are beginners when it comes to "calorie counting" this system is useless.

2) Some people might be misled. For example, someone might see that a bagel with butter only is 300 Calories and a bagel with turkey, Swiss cheese, lettuce, tomato and mustard is 400 Calories. Those that are uneducated when it comes to nutrients the body needs, might think it is "healthier" to eat the 300 Calorie bagel with butter only. But, in reality, one would intake a lot more crucial nutrients like protein and vitamins A, C, D and Calcium from the turkey bagel.

3) Its not just about the calories. Eating "healthy" is about the contents of those calories. It is more important for a food to be nutrient rich as opposed to low-calorie. A nutrient rich meal filled with whole grains, low-fat dairy, lean proteins, fruits and vegetables is hard to come by at most restaurants. So, the calorie count painted across the menu board seems a little wasteful to me.

4) If you are someone like me that doesn't eat out that often, then you don't generally plan on eating that healthy when you do. (For me, that is not what eating out in a restaurant is for.) So, when I go out, I don't want to see that crap on my menu. Let me eat in peace and blissful happiness when I want a huge, greasy hamburger with fries and a beer! For those of you that do like to see the calories, look it up online!!!

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