Friday, August 6, 2010

The Grocery Store Catwalk!

I don't know if you have ever noticed, but in most grocery stores, the frozen section freezer lights are connected to motion sensors. This is obviously to save on their electricity bill, but conveniently, it has also boosted my self esteem - Here's how!

If no one has been in the aisle for some time, all the lights in the freezers will be off, and being set on motion sensors, this is where I come in:) If you enter the aisle and proceed to walk down, the lights come on as you pass each individual freezer! This recreates the effect of many movie moments including Sweet Home Alabama's Tiffany's Jewelry Store Scene - when Reese Witherspoon is being proposed to and the lights come on in succession back and back until the entire store is immaculately lit!
Just like a light-up catwalk, those lights seem to magically be lighting up JUST FOR ME as I strut down the frozen food aisle. Man, is it exhilarating! ESPECIALLY if you are in a Super Walmart. Those aisles are gigantic and those freezers are HUGE, so the effect is doubled!!! I just grab my cart, throw my shoulders back, toss my hair, and channel my Hollywood alter ego.
So, if you need your runway/model moment or you are just having a bad day, try the "Grocery Store Catwalk"!!!!! Trust me, its worth it!!!!

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