Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Most Outrageous

If I didn't hesitate before hitting the 'publish' button, I knew I didn't have a hit on my hands that day. Now, if I walked by my computer 3 times trying to talk myself out of going through with it, then I knew I had a good one. Of all my posts, these are the ones that I hesitated on the most.

Let's look at the most outrageous (in my opinion) posts of Defending Vegetables. Starting off the pack was a personal problem of mine...let's just say that my misery made for a pretty gut wrenching post.

Clogged up like a damn drain

Nothing quite competes with the first time I spilled my guts that I too am a health disaster.

Confessions of a Dietitian

Lastly, there's nothing like some gonja to wrap things up!

"Can you pass me my prenatal vitamins...oh, and that joint?"

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