Friday, September 17, 2010

Travel Week Part V: No Excuses!

In conclusion of travel week, I want to focus not so much on actual behaviors, but on the reasons for those behaviors. You can make excuses all you want - you can tell yourself anything to justify unhealthy behaviors. "I don't have time," "I'll start on Monday," "I'm still young, who cares," "I'm hungover" (separate issue:), "Its too late, I'm already too fat," "I don't care what I look like" (lie), "I feel healthy enough," "I'm afraid I'll fail," "blah, blah, blah." - Trust me, I've tried them all, and none of them work - you're not fooling anyone but yourself........Actually, scratch that, I doubt you're even fooling yourself.
Move on already! You CAN do it! I even showed you how to eat Taco Bell healthily! And, I'm sure you have your car snacks packed and ready:)

"Rule #76 No Excuses, Play like a champion"
Enjoy the weekend and try to implement one or two things talked about over the past week like.....

P.S. This is a shout out to Erin S. for giving me the idea for travel week!  Erin in an accountant and her job requires quite a bit of travel - she wanted some good ideas on what to do when she is on the move! Thanks, Erin! Hoped you learned something:)!

Erin S. "The Traveling Accountant!"

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