Friday, October 1, 2010

Grocery Week Part V: Final Tips!!

You are ready now! Your Sunday grocery run is going to be top notch this week! Go back to Preparing for the Grocery when its time to make your list!

Here are some last minute tips to complete your grocery shopping makeover!

1. Stick to the list! Don't start pouring random items into your cart. You will end up spending more money and buying things you don't need.
2. Obviously, don't go hungry. Never a good idea to surround yourself with food when your stomach can be heard 3 aisles over. Grab a quick snack before hitting the market.
3. Buy a couple "back-up" meals. Try spaghetti, a frozen stir-fry mix, mac & cheese (the new whole grain version of course:), or a frozen veggie pizza - for those emergency situations.
4. Buy frozen veggies. They are easy to fix and won't go bad!
5. When you're running low, write it down. When you're out of something, its too late.
6. Check out your grocery's website. There are tons of recipes, coupons, shopping tips, etc. that you could be missing out on!
7. Check prices. My college roommate has taken Kroger for all its worth with this tactic. She watches the register like a hawk because if something rings up incorrectly, they give it to you for free!
8. The simplest rule there is AVOID THE JUNK FOOD!!!!!!!!!!! You don't need it! You will have plenty of great meals and snacks available for you to munch on in a crunch! A frozen pizza every once in while is fine. Cheetos as a daily appetizer is not!

Happy Shopping!!

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