Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Halloween Candy Sucks

Before you hunt me down and punch me in the face, let me explain. OK, yes, Halloween has traditionally been a holiday where one "trick-or-treats." This dates back to the early...................times when villagers were scared of ghosts or aliens or something and they put treats out in front of their houses in order to appease the "spirits." I don't really have time to go into exact detail of dates or specific countries or religions, so just trust me. I know what I'm talking about here.

Anyway, wherever the tradition came from, we have turned Halloween into a giant diabetes celebration. We dress up and then (before the age of 21 when candy turns to booze) stuff our face with more chocolate and sugar than one should eat in an entire lifetime. (Except for those loser kids whose parents used to ration out their candy throughout the year.)

I'm am not going to tell you that trick-or-treating is bad or that candy is bad, I'm just going to give you a good idea for this coming holiday. Or, for those of you that don't change your ways, at least make you feel a little guilty. What if you gave out a treat that didn't have a negetive effect on a child's life - with obesity leading to many chronic and sometimes even deadly diseases, you are basically killing the youth of America via Snickers. Yay!

What about handing out pencils, stickers, bouncy balls, spider rings, or other fun toys? Kids love them!! With all the other candy they will be receiving, they will actually welcome the change!

That way, you are not contributing to each child that comes to your door's future heart disease, type II diabetes, high blood pressure, low self esteem, breathing difficulties or osteoarthritis. Also, as a tax payer, I would appreciate the break on America's healthcare crisis. Thaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnks!!!!!

Happy Halloween:)

- Inspired by Dr. Kristi King, Assistant Professor at the University of Louisville

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