Thursday, October 7, 2010

It's not 1990 anymore! No more "fat-free"!!

If one more person makes the argument "Well, its fat-free" to me, I'm going to scream!! This debate came up to me yesterday when someone was trying to argue that Twizzlers were "healthy" because they were fat-free. The 1990's "fat-free" craze is over people. It doesn't matter! If you take the fat out of something, then you are just going to add sugar instead. So now, you're increasing your carbohydrate intake - which after a long process of glycolysis, the kreb's cycle, and some other stuff I don't remember, it turns into fat. So, now, you have Twizzler a$$. Congrats! That fat-free diet really worked out for ya, didn't it!
Remember the ole' peanut butter debate. The same rules apply to ALL FOODS. Just because something is fat-free, doesn't mean it doesn't have calories or that its healthier for you.
Take ice cream for example: the marketing gets you every time!

Breyer's Vanilla Ice cream - 1 serving (1/2 cup) - yeah right, who eats 1/2 cup.......anyway........
Ice cream                   Calories               Fat              Carbohydrates
All Natural                   130                    7g                       14g
Fat-Free                       90                     0g                       21g
Carb-Smart                  90                     6g                        13g
Light                            100                    3g                        17g

Notice that the fat-free has more grams of sugar than any of the others! Your best bet with foods (as a general rule) is to go with the natural or overall "light" versions. Notice that the "Carb-Smart" only has 1g less of sugar than the All-Natural.......hilarious.

Read your food labels, don't always go for the "fat-free" or the "low-carb" versions. These do not in ANY WAY mean "healthier."

Sorry for ragging on the 90's - obviously, they were awesome!! Where else could you get awesomeness like "aiight," "as if," and "the bomb!"?
I LOVE THE 90's!!!

- Inspired by Michael Pollan!

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