Friday, April 15, 2011

Real Housewives of Jefferson County

Due to the prestige of this blog, I thought I needed a few more experts to get involved. I have recruited several of the most world renowned nutrition experts in the country. Upon being asked to complete the sentence....Nutrition is.....the following quotes were submitted via a confidential, password protected site you may have heard Please enjoy.

NOTE: I do not know these woman in ANY capacity what-so-ever. I definitely don't email with them daily. I for sure never lived with any of them in collage....or still do. There is no way that I got detention with one of them in first grade due to a lunchroom incident I'd rather not discuss. So, as I said....strangers.

Nutrition is... ..what I focus on right  before bikini season starts?! ;) - Clare B.

Nutrition is.....drinking a 12 pack of Mich Ultra instead of Bud Light... solo.
Nutrition is..... me trying to eat healthy Monday - Friday so I can look thin on on the weekends!! ;) - Tracy F.

Nutrition is..... balance. You may have only a small amount of ranch to dip your cheese sticks in.  :) - Lauren B.

Nutrition is ..... drinking red wine and eating dark chocolate ... portion controlled on both accounts, obviously :) - Erin S.

Nutrition is..... like cute clothes and good wine - crucial!! - Kelly C.

Nutrition is.....being healthy for the things you love most in life ... including your favorite pair of skinny jeans!
Nutrition is.....choosing to get the Naked Queso Burrito from Qdoba (and almost eating the entire thing) in lieu of getting the regular Queso Burritio from Qdoba (and almost eating the entire thing)!  - Jenny B.

Nutrition is.....always telling myself "food will never taste as good as thin feels!!" - Katalin F.

Nutrition is .....explaining to "Friend A" why "Friend B" is annoyed that you ate a few chips out of her pre-portioned snack bags. If "Friend B" is taking the time to practice portion control, there isn't any room for you to steal a few bites!
"Lay off me! I'm starving." - Chris Farley, SNL - Lauren H.

Nutrition is ..... never sharing your french fries. (kidding...but seriously...) Nutrition is ..... eating only half a box of Thin Mints, and sharing the rest with your friends! - Betsy B.

Thank you to the experts for their clarity of mind. We all appreciate it and feel a little smarter on this lovely Friday:)

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