Thursday, April 21, 2011

Turning Milk into Soda

Flavored milk has been America's way of increasing milk consumption for kids for years. Chocolate and strawberry milk have taken over the market! Yes, it might be increasing milk consumption, but at what cost?

Unfortunately, in order to flavor these milks, you have to add an obscene amount of sugar to them. Let's make a comparison.

Per 8 oz serving:

1% Regular Milk = 12g sugar
1% Chocolate milk = 26g sugar
Regular Soda = 27g sugar

So, we had to turn our milk into soda before our kids would drink it?

Here is a video from Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution where he demonstrates how much sugar we are pumping into our kids through the use of flavored milk. A little dramatic, but you'll get the picture.

Moral of the story: Say NO to flavored milk in our school systems!!!

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