Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I have an Eating Disorder PART III

So, as we've seen, this weekly binge and purge cycle is not going to cut it. Now that we all know we're suffering from weekemia, what can we do about it? My first thought was - let's just binge all week! But, I guess that wouldn't do anybody any favors:)

Here are some tips for overcoming your eating disorder and adding some balance back to your life:
  • Add in a weekend workout. It doesn't have to be anything crazy - just try going on a walk before your evening out.
  • End your weekend with an activity like an evening trip to the park instead of a meal out.
  • Track your intake. There is nothing that will make you more self-aware than actually seeing the numbers right there in black and white!
  • Speaking of black, don't black out. Think about the amount you are drinking. If you have trouble remembering, track it as you go. It used to be a thing in college for people to draw dashes on their arm for how many drinks they'd had. I'm pretty sure this was to impress idiots like me into thinking they were cool...damn it - it worked. Drawing on your arm might be a little trashy, but you get the idea. Just think as you drink.
  • Start off with a good breakfast! Try to make it a point to have a healthier breakfast on the weekends. This is going to be more difficult when you are hungover, sitting there craving the greasiest sausage biscuit you can find. But, that is 1. not going to help your hangover and 2. make you super fat. A lose lose if you ask me.
  • Remember my post on must-haves vs. unnecessaries? Only eat things that are on your necessary list. This way, you're never wasting calories.
If you apply a little less binge to your weekend, then you won't have to be so restrictive on the weekdays. You might find that you have a little more energy and your workouts are more successful!
  • Increase the size of your breakfast. This is one of the hardest things for people to do, but it is the best place to increase your intake. (Now, don't go adding donuts to your diet, increase those healthy calories from whole grains, whole fruits, lean proteins, low-fat dairy, and unsaturated fats!)
  • Make sure you are having snacks. My post on the importance of eating pattern explains the importance of snacking between meals.
  • Have a drink! Having 1-2 drinks after a long day is good for your sanity!! (Now don't take this as - Well, Erin said for me to drink every night of the week for a more balanced diet!!) I'm just saying that decreasing your restrictiveness during the week will hopefully decrease your binging on the weekends. You will be keeping yourself away from feeling deprived.
Tomorrow we are going to talk about how an unbalanced lifestyle not only affects your eating and exercising habits, but infiltrates your whole life. There are more tips to come on how to balance out your weekly routine and hopefully start to feel like a more in control, relaxed you!!

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