Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Must-Haves vs. Unnecessaries

Everyone splurges. Whether your weakness is beers during the big game, pizza on Fridays, ice cream in the summer, Girl Scout cookies by the sleeve, or cheese fries at your favorite bar, it's inevitable. There are going to be times that you eat too much, have to undo your pants, and waddle out of the restaurant ashamed....but that's ok! Life isn't life without your favorite smoothie or your favorite broccoli cheese soup from Panera.

HOWEVER, I'm here to discuss the difference between splurging on your favorite must-haves and the freezer burned chocolate ice cream sandwiches you just found in the back of your freezer (the unnecessaries.) Splurging happens, but that doesn't mean that splurging happens when it isn't necessary.

Here are my necessaries: Taco Bell, vodka, Mexican (including queso), holiday specials (like my Mom's Christmas egg rolls - don't ask), and pizza (good pizza....BoomBozz Pizza).

I'm not going to waste precious calories on foods that don't matter to me! Every time you go to overindulge, think to yourself, "Is this a must-have or an unnecessary?" That way you are never wasting calories, and every bite is worth it!

So, go out there, eat healthy, and when its necessary, splurge on a must-have!!!!

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