Monday, January 17, 2011

Guilt Free Snack!

I know that I preach "functional food" and "nutrient rich foods" but sometimes you just want to eat. In these times of surfaced gluttony it's important that you turn to a snack that isn't going to ruin all that cardio training I'm sure you've been doing:)

They aren't going to provide you with much energy or ANY vitamins or minerals, but I have (well, actually my friend, Erin, has) a treat for you! She found them on sale at Kroger and they are called Yogurt and Berries Mini Rice Cakes. Yes, I know, rice cakes - more stereotypical than salads - I realize. But at 60 calories a serving and both sweet and salty, its the perfect indulgence. (I use the word indulgence loosely) you are still eating rice cakes for god's sake.

I thought they were surprisingly delicious.

Oh, and Erin, sorry I ate all your Yogurt and Berries Mini Rice Cakes:)

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