Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Packing for the Gym

Let me preface with the fact that packing for the gym is one of my least favorite parts of my day. Beyond having to make an extra stop in the cold weather, beyond changing in the locker room, beyond the slight knee pain that I am choosing to ignore at this time, beyond waiting for the sweaty highschooler who thinks he is the best thing since vodka:) to move off my machine, packing for the gym either the night before or the morning of is the biggest barrier between me and my workout.

I hate making sure I didn't forget anything, I hate touching my tennis shoes, I don't know....I just hate it! Then, when I get home I have to pull out all my work clothes that have to be hung up and whatever sweaty stuff I had to throw in there........its just awful.

However, I don't really have a choice in the matter....unless I want to stair-climb in heels! So, day after day, I pack and I cringe, I cringe and I pack. (ok, not every day:)

Sorry to complain, that is not what this post is really about. What I wanted to talk about is what to pack for the gym when it comes to FOOD. We have discussed Recovery Nutrition before and how it's important to recover after workouts with necessary nutrients. However, it is also important to fuel before a workout! I usually try to eat about an hour before, that way I am fueled but not uncomfortable.

So, when you are fueling for the gym, what is the best thing to eat? In my opinion......

Fruit (Apple, Banana, Grapes, etc.) Already pre-wrapped by nature!

Why fruit? You want to eat all carbohydrates before a workout - carbs are what give you immediate energy and proteins take longer to digest and would just be heavy on your stomach. 

Question? If you just need carbs, then why couldn't you just eat some pretzels, or some goldfish, or some crackers, or a sports drink? Well, fruit provides the sugar you need but also has the vitamins and minerals that you are NOT going to get from pretzels! I like to call it functional food! (As opposed to the empty calories you would get from a snack food.)

So, when you are packing for the gym (tomorrow I'm sure:), don't forget your fruit! Its just as important as your tennis shoes!


  1. Let's be honest, sometimes preztels just taste more yummy than fruit.

  2. Eat your preztles with a piece of fruit:)
