Tuesday, September 27, 2011

App your way to a healthier you!

Everyone is on their smart phones these days! It's actually getting somewhat annoying...and rude, but what-ev. If you can't beat em, join em.

It is well know that tracking is one of the best indicators of successful weight loss and management. Basically, if recording your intake and activity isn't a part of your weight management journey, I don't know how much I would bet on your success. (in a nice way, or course)

One of the most popular way of tracking now is by using an app on your smart phone. There are tons of great tracking apps out there, but these take it a little further - providing a personal nutritionist and trainer that fits inside your pocket! Genius! I am not the most tech savvy girl out there, so I'm going to turn to Jessica Girdwain from Health Magazine on this. Here are her top 7 "Shape-Up Apps."

MEAL SNAP: 2.99 mealsnap.com - This allows you to take a pic of your plate, then it gives you an approximate calorie range for your meal!

NIKE TRAINING CLUB: free iTunes store - This creates playlists from your ipod to sink with one of the "coached" circuit routines. Like a personal trainer! (except affordable)

ALL-IN YOGA: 1.99-3.99 mobile.viaden.com - Creates yoga routines from its over 300 pose data base based on your skill level. Namaste:)

SHAKE A SNACK: 0.99 shakeasnack.com - Jiggle your phone and the app puts together a random 3 ingredient snack for 100-300 calories. Yum!

FOODUCATE: free fooducate.com - Use the app to scan the barcode of your favorite foods and see what health score it gives you! This is my favorite because you are actually learning as you use it! Oh, and it's free:)

TEMPO MAGIC PRO: 4.99 lolofit.com - Adjusts your music's tempo to match your routine. Apparently, it doesn't leave your songs sounding like chipmunks, so that's a plus!

MAPMYFITNESS: free mapmyfitness.com - Tracks a running route wherever you are! Then you can use your phone's GPS to track/map your run/walk/jog/skip:)

Thanks, Health Magazine for the tips!

1 comment:

  1. I will definitely be using that tracking one. Thanks for the ideas! Any more luck with being able to comment on blogs?
