Monday, February 28, 2011

Friends Don't Let Friends Cook Hungry

It's a dangerous world out there, my friends...especially for those who cook hungry. Does the following scene sound familiar?

You are already hungry, but you still have to cook dinner. So, you pull out the bag of potato chips to have by the stove while you cook up whatever it is that you are ACTUALLY eating for dinner. 200-300 calories later, you are ready to sit down for your meal!

It is not uncommon for people to ingest several hundred unnecessary calories while cooking on an empty stomach, and it's not likely to stop any time least not for me.

So, want you need to do is make sure that you have handy, go-to snacks to have out while you are preparing your meal.

Lately, I've been keeping a bowl of grapes in the fridge that are easy to pull out and have on the counter while I'm cooking. Another go-to is carrot sticks. The important factors are convenience, crunch and low-calorie.

So, next time you go for the bag of chips, think twice and try and grab something with a few less calories!!

Happy Monday:)

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