Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Scientifically Proven Diets

For your dog. Seriously?

Yes, that's right. We are so bad at portion control that we have to pay for a company to portion out our dog's food and treats. I was watching TV the other day and a commercial for one of these pet-diet products came on. I thought I was watching a Saturday Night Live skit. I started chuckling until I realized that it was REAL!!!

By the time they showed the small plastic bags filled with portioned out dog food and bone shaped treats, I was rolling.

Is your dog overweight? Here's an idea and you can use it FOR FREE! Feed him or her a little less and take him or her on a freakin' walk!!!

Under the name of Science Diet, Prescription Diet, or Therapeutic Weight Reduction Program, millions of pet loving suckers are paying god knows how much for someone to pre-wrap their dog's treats.

Seriously folks, can we really not even keep our pets in shape? Actually, it's not the actually overweight pets out there that I'm worried about - It's the overly weight-obsessed country club diva's pet I believe will suffer. I can see it now. "Now, what diet did you say that fluffy was on? I think Snuggles here could lose a couple inches around her mid-section."

The phenomenon of the wafer-thin purebred is surely on the rise. Do dogs even have have collar bones? - That's how I determine state of anorexia......by the collar bones.

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