Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Grapes Hate Cancer

The connection between preventative nutrition and buying local is an interesting one when it comes to grapes! The skin of red grapes have a natural phenol called resveratrol. This molecule is currently being given a good deal of credit for an array of anti-aging affects and cancer preventative agents.

The realization came when the French were studied for their low rates of cardiovascular disease. How do they drink all that cream, but still keep their cardiovascular health in check? Many think that it might have something to do with their little wine habit:)

But, what does this have to do with buying local grapes? The phenol, resveratrol, develops in grapes when they are exposed to pathogens like fungi and bacteria. These usually develop under harsher, more humid conditions. If you have ever been in the Ohio River Valley during a summer, you know that there needs to be a new word for "humid" here. We take it to a whole new level! So, it could be that our grapes grown locally have a higher amount of resveratrol in their skin!! Go us!

You only have a couple months left to visit many of your local farmers' markets! Check out where and when you can visit one in your area!

Also, check out Grasshoppers Distribution, where you can get local farm fresh foods all year round! http://www.grasshopperdistribution.com/

But, my strongest suggestion is to check out some local wines at local wineries, like Huber Orchard and Winery!

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