Monday, August 22, 2011

What do I pack for lunch?

Yes, it kind of sucks to have to pack your lunch in the morning...I'm running around trying to get everything ready, making sure I look half way descent, eating breakfast, making coffee, brushing my teeth, packing my gym bag...the last thing I want to do is pack my lunch.

So, I had to make it as simple as possible. And besides making my pb&j, everything else I'm able to just throw in. Here's what I got today!
For lunch:
- pb&j on some bagel thin thing that was on sale
- apple
- string cheese

For snacks:
- Greek yogurt
- almonds

Couple this with a massive water bottle, and I'm good to go for the day! So, don't be lazy. Try and pack your lunch as often as possible - which should be every day unless you're shacking:) In that case, pull on your pants and yesterday's panties, brush your hair, and just try to get to the office on time!!!

Happy Monday!!!!

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