Thursday, August 18, 2011

Confessions of a Dietitian II

Reminiscent of my first confession last year, I have fallen off the deep end again....this time, it was vacation, not a holiday, that through me off the ledge of health. I was doing well at first. Following my vacation directions, I went heavy on the workouts before hand, was uber hydrated, hit up Subway for my first meal, and still no soda. Then, the alcohol. Good god, the alcohol.

The 1st evening started out with a handful of buddy, I didn't skip the rolls at dinner, yes I dipped my steak in butter, and yes, I proceeded to take sugar infested shots well into the morning. Ugh. Day 1 ruined.

Thankfully my badass sister is training for the Ironman (August 28th, 2011), so I was forced to assist her in a few miles of her training run day 2. With my brain feeling like it was literally going to fall out onto the sidewalk and fry like an egg in the heat, this was my first and final workout of the week.

Avoid fried foods. It's that easy. Nope, it's not. The world is a dangerous place filled with potato chips and french fries waiting to be eaten by the weak and hungover. Night 2 didn't bring any less booze, although I did switch to vodka diets. I'm not telling you this because it's better, its just a fact of the story.

Starbucks was a must after 2 nights of partying and after I yelled at the coffee connoisseur behind the counter for not carrying sausage sandwiches, I opted for a bagel with cream cheese and an iced coffee. Then, there she was, Auntie Anne with her amazing pretzels! Damn it!

The next few days I can't differentiate between that hush puppy, those vodka lemonades, that bottle of wine, that half bag of Cheetos, or those fudge stripe cookies. It never ended - and do you think that I was stair climbing those calories off? Hell no. You know when you sit too long and your butt starts to itch? My butt itched for  4 days strait. "Hey, who's that girl wearing a t-shirt on the beach and scratching at her ass?" Oh, just me.

It wasn't until I committed the cardinal sin that I really started feeling bad about my choices. Please don't judge. Even though this is definitely not a judge free zone, I really need you here. Oh, god. I can't say it. Fine, here goes. I topped the weekend off with a mechanically altered, cheese product topped burger and fries with accompanying Oreo ice cream cup of shame and artificially sweetened carbonated beverage. That's right. I went to McDonalds. WTF?!!!!

Oh my god, it gets worse. I finished the week off with a nice home delivered pizza and bread sticks...all of which I dipped in garlic butter. I just threw up a little in my mouth on that one. Points: I did pick off the pepperonis for my dog to enjoy. Bannon missed me all week:) Picture time! (Like how I worked that in there?)

I've said this only saving grace...confidence. Confidence that I will be able to pick myself back up by my love handles and get back on the righteous path. The path of oatmeal and morning walks, squats and vegetables. After all, I would like to keep my job:)!!!!

2 more days until the weekend!!!!

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