Thursday, August 11, 2011

Is this real life?

I find myself having to ask myself this David After Dentist question about once a day. This moment was provoked yesterday when I saw a commercial for the following product.

I know we're fat. I know we're lazy, but this combination of super fat and lazy is just too much. God forbid you walk the 20 feet to the f-ing frozen cookie aisle to grab some cookie dough. Why don't we just put the dough on the pizza...right on top of the us the effort of actually have to pick up 2 items as we eat. The less chewing the better, I say!!  

Even more repulsive is the following item.

I know what you are thinking, but WYNGZ are a fabulous side dish to have with pizza. What are wyngz? Duh, Brah. They're super dro. I like to call them chicken bitlits. I love that Honey BBQ.

Check out this photo of mechanically separated chicken. Makes me want to grab some Mcy-D's nuggets!

To read more about this photo  - Click Here

Seriously, people. We need to cut this $hit out. Let's do the math:) Pretend that you would have 3 people split one of these delicious duos (even though you know you'd crush the whole thing).

1/3 of the contents in the Pizza and Cookies box - meaning 1/3 of the pizza and 1/3 of the cookies:
960 Calories, 48g fat

What about the WYNGZ?
1/3 of the contents in the Pizza and Wyngz box:
750 Calories, 21g fat

Mother of god. No further comments.

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