Thursday, December 2, 2010

High Fructose Corn Syrup: Not So Sweet

There has been a lot of "bad mouthing" high fructose corn syrup - and rightfully so. Unfortunately, this sweetener has negative effects on health beyond that of regular sugar (and it's in EVERYTHING). It has been associated obviously weight gain, but also increased risk of high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome (discussed before), and Type II Diabetes. Also it has a specific effect on appetite, leaving consumers less full than if they were eating a product with regular sugar - leading to over-eating.

My advice: Proceed with caution. Everything in moderation. If I am doing a comparison of, for example, yogurts, I would grab the one without high fructose corn syrup. However, if I'm going to eat a processed food like candy, I know its in there, but I eat it anyway. I try to avoid it, but it doesn't deter me from eating a food. Make sense? Like I said - everything in moderation.

The one thing I get really concerned about is the soda. This is one of the main culprits and really should be avoided if possible (especially with children!!!!!!!). It's just unnecessary - give them something else to drink!!!

Here is an extended article from the Everyday Health - Healthy Living Newsletter concerning this topic. Sign up to have it sent to your email daily!

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