Wednesday, December 1, 2010

New Weight Watchers Program for 2011

I have to be honest. I have never been a huge fan of Weight Watchers. I have, in the past, visualized crazed women hording points for midnight binges claiming they were "still within their points." I didn't think the program focused enough on healthy eating vs. dieting. I thought that people became so hung up on the "points" that they lost sight of the fact that an apple or an orange is more nutritious than a bag of 94% fat free popcorn.

Well, it looks like that is all changing!!! With President and CEO David Kirchhoff at the forefront of the new movement, Weight Watchers is revamping itself with the new PointsPlus program. From first glance, it looks like an excellent improvement to the outdated Weight Watchers we all know.

They are completely changing the points system, taking into account food and beverages' fat, carbohydrate, protein, and fiber content! (As opposed to just saturated fat and calories). Also (my favorite part) fruits and vegetables are FREE!! This is to encourage increased intake of these nutrient packed foods!! Awesome!

Lastly, there are now "real living" points. These are extra points for those necessary occasions when you want to splurge on a glass.....or a umm.....bottle of wine:)

Looks like Weight Watchers might be back on my good side! Good for them!


  1. Erin - living points are called alcohol, yep! I'm on day two of the plan and so far, so good. :)

  2. yay!! Good for you, Lauren. Keep me updated with your feedback - what you like, what you don't like about the new program! Good luck!

  3. I would be interested in how the plan compares to the past in terms of how much food you get in a day. I am all about quantity:)
