Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's All About Presentation

It's well known that what food looks like highly determines whether or not a kid is going to eat it. Put a cartoon on the box, and they want it. Cut it into shapes, and they want it. Give it a cute name, and they want it.

Well, adults are no different.

I saw my friend, Tracy, putting her dinner together the other night and I said "Oh, god. That looks awful." And it did. She had chosen all the right elements: chicken cooked on her George Foreman and a simple green salad with low-fat dressing. All good items, but when put together in an unappetising way, it was just all wrong!

When you are trying to eat a little healthier and DEFINITELY when you are trying to eat smaller portions, you have to be careful! Presentation is everything. You have to learn to somewhat....trick your mind.

Check out the following example (compliments of Tracy:)

Here is what she started out with.

Not looking so good. First of all, she had put the chicken on a HUGE plate, making it look like a measly amount of food. The salad looks ok, but very plain. But, with just a switch of a dish....

Ta-da!! If you want to enjoy a sensible dinner, you have to make it look sensibly delicious!

Last night, I was craving cook-out food.  (I think because of the warm weather!) So, I decided on a Boca Veggie Burger on a whole wheat bun and baked beans! Now, I could have just thrown a burger and some beans on a plate, but, again, it's all about presentation! So, I used a smaller plate and added some lettuce and sliced onion to the mix and......bam! Delicious!

Notice the plate sizes on both the salad and the burger. Small, right. Using smaller plates tricks your mind into thinking your getting more food than you are. Look at the plates you use at home. Could you go smaller?

Alright, go make yourself a beautiful dinner! Hope it tastes as good as it looks!!

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