Tuesday, July 5, 2011

HALT that binge

I did not make this up - I read about it in an article written by a woman who admittedly was a member of Overeaters Anonymous, but has now lost 144 lbs and counting!!

There are many reasons someone would go on a binge...a binge being the compulsive intake of an excessive amount of food in one sitting. Many times they can be linked directly to emotion, making the HALT method very effective:)

The HALT method reminds you to ask yourself if you are hungry, angry, lonely, or tired before reaching for food as a comforting tool. These four emotions are strong binge triggers. Stepping back and looking at the core reason behind the food you are about to consume is important. This is similar to what I would tell a parent that has a child that is constantly stating he or she is hungry. - Have them do something else (play outside, read a book, play a game, drink some water). Then if they are still hungry, let them have a healthy snack. - This eliminates a child going to food when they are tired, angry, lonely....or bored!!

"Once you know why you want to eat and what the root cause is, do something about it or decide to not. Make it your choice, your decision; put things in your hands again. You are now in control." - Beth D.

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