Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Fats to make you thin.

Fat in your diet is crucial for many reasons. It helps control metabolism, control blood sugar, increase nutrient absorption, control appetite, and it just tastes good! Fat provides a certain mouthfeel that is necessary for human satiety.

However, all fats are not created, where should you get your fats from?

For the science nerds out there, here is the molecular difference.
"Saturated" means that within the chain, there are 2 hydrogens
 for every carbon. Notice the double bond in the unsaturated
There are 2 main types of fat, saturated and unsaturated. There are also trans fats and unsaturated fats can be broken down into mono and polyunsaturated fats. Your saturated fats are found in fatty red meat, full fat dairy, and pre-packaged or processed products. But, where do your best fats come from?
  • Fatty Fish like Salmon
  • Olive oil
  • Nuts and nut spreads like peanut butter
  • Avocados
Keep these in your diet as you slowly decrease the amount of saturated fat in your diet. The first step?

*Switch to low-fat dairy products. This will help you eliminate unnecessary saturated fats in your diet!!

A good visual to use is the following....imagine that you are holding a straw. Pretend that straw is an artery in your body. What would happen if you tried to force butter down the straw? It would clog, right? That is saturated fat. Now, what if you tried to pour some olive oil or peanut oil down the straw? It would flow right through, right? That is unsaturated (or your heart healthy) fats. Picture that next time you are deciding what to stir-fry your veggies in:)!!

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